I’m powerless in the grip of an old friend
a toothless jagged junkie
come to boil broken flakes of me over a sad flame
in coma, one’s allowed to dream
it’s seventh grade all over again
and its painful and apparent
one step up, two back
I wake to the sound of violent vomiting
I wake to the smell of burning meth amphetamines
I wake to an empty head, & sometimes un-empty bed
I scream and sing and drink into a corner
I mumble and bungle and smoke into bed
and my friend is always with me
always holding my head
craning my neck
twisting my arms
clearing stairs for my decent
thumpity thumpity thump thump thump
power hungry black-hole
powder blue unattainable sky
quick like lightening
sweet like ignorance
desperate like a doorknob
singing in the gallows